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People on the Move 2024

Social Work for Social Tranformation by and with “People on the move”: Research, Skills and Practices

With reference to the Global Social Work Agenda (IFWS), this module will focus on reflecting, experimenting and co-building spaces for inclusive social transformation in challenging times of significant population displacements. It will give the opportunity to “persons on the move” to engage in open learning environments, which they might be deprived of because of their legal status. It will develop intercultural and international understandings of the structural conditions that contribute to inequality, social exclusion and oppression in an international context of interdependences. The participants will engage in social work methods and develop new skills in the domain of arts, communication, and expression to address social inequalities and to create spaces for (more) diversity. Human rights-based perspectives and anti-oppressive approaches can be keys to enriching research and practices that aim at empowering communities to be heard.


  • Key Thematic Lectures
  • Inspiring cases
  • Collaborative and peer-to-peer learning

Developskills in 

  • Advocacy, empowerment and tools
  • Digital literacy and communication
  • Collaborative and cooperation skills
  • Theater for action

Who is this programm for

  • Bachelor & Master students, professionals interested in Social Work and/or Social Transformation
    can apply
  • Fluency in oral and written English is required
  • Migrants and/or Refugees are eligible to apply through the link beneath, if theyfulfill the course eligibility requirement (language, technical environment, discontinued education pathway).


  • BFH


Du lundi, 02 septembre 2024 - 09:00
au vendredi, 13 septembre 2024 - 17:00

Où ?



Free of charge


Do you have any questions? Please contact us!

Marie-Christine Ukelo M'bolo-Merga

Responsable relations internationales

Bureau : 5.16
+41 26 429 62 65
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Swetha Rao Dhananka

Professeure HES ordinaire

Bureau : 5.64
+41 26 429 62 57
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